Loch Kelly offers a unique experiential teaching style to assist in the recognition, realization, and full embodiment of our true nature. He starts with the view that the awakeness, wisdom, and love that we are seeking are already inherent within each of us, equally. The method of small mindful glimpses gives us access to “the solution”, our true nature. From here, we open to a more spacious and compassionate knowing that relieves suffering at its root.    

Loch has been fortunate to be trained by some of the greatest meditation teachers of our generation. His teachings are based in the earliest nondual wisdom traditions, modern science, and psychotherapy. Loch has practiced in different schools of meditation and psychology, and he has gathered the most effective methods from all the world traditions.

Advanced Meditation Made Simple

Loch’s nondual meditations, called glimpses, are short, powerful shifts in awareness that allow a different way of knowing, being, and doing. Glimpses can be done with your eyes open, anytime and anywhere. A glimpse can create a palpable shift in your experience of yourself and the world. You step back from the running commentary in your head into an easier, freer, and open-hearted awareness. This freedom is your true nature, as much as that may seem foreign to you now. With practice, glimpses of nondual awareness become a life lived from an open heart and an unburdened mind.